
EDIM 510 - Public Service Announcement Assignment: Part 1

Here are my responses after watching the two videos in week 7. Anthony 2Teacher One day, a telephone will be able to do all the things “smartphones” do. The intended audience are adults or people shopping for a phone. The method of being set in the past, a young girl wrote an essay which described all the functions of a current smartphone.  While she begins to read the essay, each party to hear the words laugh at her and the ridiculous sounding possibilities.  I believe the methods were effective because we do have such technology today but it plays on the minds of the past.  It was humorous too.   Anthony 3Teacher The main idea is that information online today should be shared and open to everyone in order to make better the world. The intended audience is the world of people connected by the world wide web. The method of using handwritten, moving texts and pictures was effective to keep one engaged...

EDIM 510 - Infographic Reflection

I could see myself using student-created infographics at the high school level by having the students break down more complex information into a simple visual experience.  This can be used by sharing number data or information gained from reading an informational article.  There is always another way to represent the words that have been published.  Infographics can be more appealing to the eyes instead of words.  This will help to keep the attention and focus the learning.

EDIM 510- Online Presentation Reflection

This week’s assignments creating two different types of online presentations was exciting.  I have never used Adobe Spark to create a video until now.  I enjoyed the ease of the program in creating the separate slides and then adding the audio to the pieces.  The program itself does much of the work for you.  It was very user friendly!  Thinglink was not as user friendly.  I liked using the program but did not feel it would be such a good tool for the classroom.  Many of the searches I made through the program did not find any real useful content for my lesson.  I felt as though using that program would be more time consuming than helpful as an online presentation tool.   Adobe Spark Video would be a good tool for students to create their own projects to display their understanding from a lesson with the added benefit of adding their voice.  Many students do not feel comfortable standing in front of a class.  This tool can avoi...

EDIM 510 - Who Has the Time?

There are many things one can be passionate about in education today.  I feel most passionately about the need to rid ourselves of the standardized tests.  I have taught at the high school level in Pennsylvania and elementary level in Maine.  Each state has their own required tests for different grade levels.  I have seen hours wasted by school districts to prepare to administer these tests.  I have seen money go out the door in preparing school networks to handle the possible load of users that will take a test via the internet.  Technology departments waste hours to get needed laptops to share for grades which required them.  Myself and other teachers have spent hours figuring out what testing accommodations should or shouldn't be used for students on our caseloads.  The trainings involved during professional development and afterschool meetings to make decisions for a single test which will not help the student understand anyth...